+ OSSTEST_JOB=build-i386-prev + export OSSTEST_JOB + OSSTEST_TESTID=host-install(4) + shift + export OSSTEST_TESTID + ./ts-host-install-twice --build + ./ts-host-install --build 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z starting 152084.build-i386-prev 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting all_host_di_version=2020-05-19 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting all_host_suite=buster 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting arch=i386 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting enable_ovmf=true 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting enable_xend=false 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting enable_xsm=false 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting host=sabro0 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting host_hostflags=share-build-buster-i386,arch-i386,suite-buster,purpose-build 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting revision_ovmf= 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting revision_seabios= 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting revision_xen=d820391d2fba67566c52d5e0a047e70483265b6e 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting syslog_server= 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting tree_ovmf= 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting tree_seabios= 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z setting tree_xen=git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z serial method sympathy sabro0: serial2 /root/sympathy/sabro0 /root/sympathy/sabro0.log* 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z TftpScope is default 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z task 1480075 ownd []:35988: iwj@osstest 152084 build-i386-prev 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z host host: selected sabro0 00:10:e0:de:89:44 - shared build-buster-i386 51beb950a48fbd5547d1e4f90ce9d78f136f4955 prep 1 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f000override-parted-devices (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f000override-parted-devices) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-0 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-0) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f25erase-other-disks (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f25erase-other-disks) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-1 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-1) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z Using amd64 kernel for i386 userland (setarch i386) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-0 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-0) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-1 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-1) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-2 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-2) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/authorized_keys ok. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_dsa.pub absent. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ok. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub absent. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub absent. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /root/osstest-authorized_keys ok. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/osstest/keys/id_rsa_osstest.pub ok. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_authkeys (stashed as webspace-sabro0_authkeys) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z read /home/osstest/overlay-local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub ok. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z adding host key for sabro0.test-lab.xenproject.org,sabro0, 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z adding host key for sabro1.test-lab.xenproject.org,sabro1, 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_known_hosts (stashed as webspace-sabro0_known_hosts) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-3 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-3) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-4 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-4) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2f05udev (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2f05udev) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-2 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-2) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay.tar 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-5 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-5) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-persistent-net.tar 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-6 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-6) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-buster.tar 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-7 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-7) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-local.tar 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-8 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-8) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-9 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-9) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-10 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-10) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2fosstest-disable-grub-nvram (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2fosstest-disable-grub-nvram) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-3 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-3) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using SSH) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z power: setting 0 (using SSH) for sabro0 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z power: request to turn off via SSH method, ignored 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg) 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z power: setting 1 (using SSH) for sabro0 2020-07-21 19:59:22 Z executing ssh ... root@ set -e type reboot exec >>/var/log/osstest-reboot.log date exec &1 set -x ( set +e sleep 5 reboot -f -n -d # Linux sysvinit/systemd reboot -nq # FreeBSD (rejects above due to -f) )& ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z command nonzero waitstatus 65280: timeout 60 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=100 -o ServerAliveInterval=100 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=tmp/t.known_hosts_152084.build-i386-prev root@ set -e type reboot exec >>/var/log/osstest-reboot.log date exec &1 set -x ( set +e sleep 5 reboot -f -n -d # Linux sysvinit/systemd reboot -nq # FreeBSD (rejects above due to -f) )& 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z power: failed to reboot (using SSH): status 65280 at Osstest/TestSupport.pm line 555. 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using ILOM) 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z power: setting 0 (using ILOM) for sabro0 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 19:59:25 Z Chassis Power is on (want off) Chassis Power Control: Down/Off 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z Chassis Power is off (want off) 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg+1) 2020-07-21 19:59:31 Z power-cycle: waiting 15s 2020-07-21 19:59:46 Z power: setting 1 (using ILOM) for sabro0 2020-07-21 19:59:46 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 19:59:46 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) Chassis Power Control: Up/On 2020-07-21 19:59:46 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:47 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:48 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:49 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:50 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:51 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:52 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:53 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:55 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:56 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:57 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:58 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 19:59:59 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:00 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:01 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:02 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:03 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:04 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:05 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:06 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:07 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:08 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:09 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:10 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:11 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:12 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:13 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:14 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:15 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:16 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:18 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:19 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:20 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:21 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:22 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:23 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:24 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:25 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:26 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:27 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:28 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:29 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:30 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:32 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:33 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:34 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:35 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:36 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:37 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:38 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:40 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:41 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:42 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:43 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:44 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:45 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:47 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:48 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:49 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z power: failed to reboot (using ILOM): did not power on at Osstest/PDU/ipmi.pm line 74. 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using Combined) 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z power: setting 0 (using Combined) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z Chassis Power is off (want off) 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z Current power status is correct 2020-07-21 20:00:50 Z power: pdu operation pausing for 10s was: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = on now: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = on 2020-07-21 20:01:00 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 20:01:00 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:01:00 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:01:01 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg+2) 2020-07-21 20:01:01 Z power-cycle: waiting 15s 2020-07-21 20:01:16 Z power: setting 1 (using Combined) for sabro0 was: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = off now: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = off 2020-07-21 20:01:16 Z power: pdu operation pausing for 300s 2020-07-21 20:06:16 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:06:16 Z Chassis Power is on (want on) 2020-07-21 20:06:16 Z Current power status is correct 2020-07-21 20:06:16 Z fetch sabro0_preseed: waiting 350s... 2020-07-21 20:06:16 Z fetch sabro0_preseed: (none) (waiting) ... ... 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z FAILURE: fetch sabro0_preseed: wait timed out: (none). 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z power: failed to reboot (using Combined): failure: fetch sabro0_preseed: wait timed out: (none). power: all approaches to rebooting sabro0 failed! + ./ts-host-install --build 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z starting 152084.build-i386-prev 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting all_host_di_version=2020-05-19 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting all_host_suite=buster 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting arch=i386 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting enable_ovmf=true 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting enable_xend=false 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting enable_xsm=false 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting host=sabro0 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting host_hostflags=share-build-buster-i386,arch-i386,suite-buster,purpose-build 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting revision_ovmf= 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting revision_seabios= 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting revision_xen=d820391d2fba67566c52d5e0a047e70483265b6e 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting syslog_server= 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting tree_ovmf= 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting tree_seabios= 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z setting tree_xen=git://xenbits.xen.org/xen.git 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z serial method sympathy sabro0: serial2 /root/sympathy/sabro0 /root/sympathy/sabro0.log* 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z TftpScope is default 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z task 1480075 ownd []:35988: iwj@osstest 152084 build-i386-prev 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z host host: selected sabro0 00:10:e0:de:89:44 - shared build-buster-i386 51beb950a48fbd5547d1e4f90ce9d78f136f4955 prep 1 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f000override-parted-devices (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f000override-parted-devices+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-0 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-0+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f25erase-other-disks (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2flibX2fpartmanX2finitX2edX2f25erase-other-disks+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-1 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-1+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z Using amd64 kernel for i386 userland (setarch i386) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-0 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-0+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-1 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-1+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-2 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-2+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/authorized_keys ok. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_dsa.pub absent. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ok. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub absent. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/iwj/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub absent. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /root/osstest-authorized_keys ok. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/osstest/keys/id_rsa_osstest.pub ok. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_authkeys (stashed as webspace-sabro0_authkeys+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z read /home/osstest/overlay-local/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub ok. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z adding host key for sabro0.test-lab.xenproject.org,sabro0, 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z adding host key for sabro1.test-lab.xenproject.org,sabro1, 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_known_hosts (stashed as webspace-sabro0_known_hosts+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-3 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-3+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-4 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-4+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2f05udev (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2f05udev+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-2 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-2+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay.tar 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-5 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-5+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-persistent-net.tar 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-6 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-6+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-buster.tar 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-7 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-7+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_overlay-local.tar 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-8 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-8+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-9 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-9+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed--late_command-10 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed--late_command-10+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2fosstest-disable-grub-nvram (stashed as webspace-sabro0_X2fusrX2flibX2fbase-installerX2edX2fX2fosstest-disable-grub-nvram+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_partman--early_command-3 (stashed as webspace-sabro0_partman--early_command-3+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/iwj/public_html/osstest/sabro0_preseed (stashed as webspace-sabro0_preseed+1) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using SSH) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z power: setting 0 (using SSH) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z power: request to turn off via SSH method, ignored 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg+3) 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z power: setting 1 (using SSH) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:12:07 Z executing ssh ... root@ set -e type reboot exec >>/var/log/osstest-reboot.log date exec &1 set -x ( set +e sleep 5 reboot -f -n -d # Linux sysvinit/systemd reboot -nq # FreeBSD (rejects above due to -f) )& ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z execution took 19 seconds [**>30/2**]: timeout 60 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=100 -o ServerAliveInterval=100 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=tmp/t.known_hosts_152084.build-i386-prev root@ set -e type reboot exec >>/var/log/osstest-reboot.log date exec &1 set -x ( set +e sleep 5 reboot -f -n -d # Linux sysvinit/systemd reboot -nq # FreeBSD (rejects above due to -f) )& 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z command nonzero waitstatus 65280: timeout 60 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=100 -o ServerAliveInterval=100 -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=tmp/t.known_hosts_152084.build-i386-prev root@ set -e type reboot exec >>/var/log/osstest-reboot.log date exec &1 set -x ( set +e sleep 5 reboot -f -n -d # Linux sysvinit/systemd reboot -nq # FreeBSD (rejects above due to -f) )& 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z power: failed to reboot (using SSH): status 65280 at Osstest/TestSupport.pm line 555. 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using ILOM) 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z power: setting 0 (using ILOM) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:12:26 Z Chassis Power is on (want off) Chassis Power Control: Down/Off 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z Chassis Power is off (want off) 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg+4) 2020-07-21 20:12:31 Z power-cycle: waiting 15s 2020-07-21 20:12:46 Z power: setting 1 (using ILOM) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:12:46 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:12:46 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) Chassis Power Control: Up/On 2020-07-21 20:12:46 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:47 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:48 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:49 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:50 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:51 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:52 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:53 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:54 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:56 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:57 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:58 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:12:59 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:00 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:01 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:02 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:03 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:04 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:05 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:06 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:07 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:08 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:09 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:10 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:11 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:12 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:13 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:14 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:16 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:17 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:18 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:19 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:20 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:21 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:22 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:23 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:24 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:25 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:26 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:27 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:28 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:29 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:30 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:31 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:32 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:33 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:34 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:35 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:36 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:37 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:39 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:40 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:41 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:42 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:43 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:44 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:45 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:46 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:47 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z Chassis Power is off (want on) 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z power: failed to reboot (using ILOM): did not power on at Osstest/PDU/ipmi.pm line 74. 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z power: trying to reboot sabro0 (using Combined) 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z power: setting 0 (using Combined) for sabro0 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z Chassis Power is off (want off) 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z Current power status is correct 2020-07-21 20:13:48 Z power: pdu operation pausing for 10s was: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = on now: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = on 2020-07-21 20:13:58 Z using persistent-net-generator: cp -dR overlay-persistent-net/. tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.d/. 2020-07-21 20:13:58 Z Forcing interface auto tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio: 65.8% -- replaced with tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:13:58 Z using initrds: /home/tftp//osstest/debian-installer/i386/2020-05-19-buster/initrd.gz tmp/t.sabro0.initrd.cpio.gz 2020-07-21 20:13:58 Z wrote /home/tftp//sabro0/netgrub.cfg (stashed as sabro0-netboot.cfg+5) 2020-07-21 20:13:58 Z power-cycle: waiting 15s 2020-07-21 20:14:13 Z power: setting 1 (using Combined) for sabro0 was: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = off now: pdu-msw pdu3: #13 "Outlet 13" = off 2020-07-21 20:14:14 Z power: pdu operation pausing for 300s 2020-07-21 20:19:14 Z PDU IMPI: ipmitool -H sabro0m -U root -P changeme -I lanplus power status 2020-07-21 20:19:14 Z Chassis Power is on (want on) 2020-07-21 20:19:14 Z Current power status is correct 2020-07-21 20:19:14 Z fetch sabro0_preseed: waiting 350s... 2020-07-21 20:19:14 Z fetch sabro0_preseed: (none) (waiting) ... ... 2020-07-21 20:25:05 Z FAILURE: fetch sabro0_preseed: wait timed out: (none). 2020-07-21 20:25:05 Z power: failed to reboot (using Combined): failure: fetch sabro0_preseed: wait timed out: (none). power: all approaches to rebooting sabro0 failed! + rc=255 + date -u +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z exit status 255 2020-07-21 20:25:05 Z exit status 255 + exit 255